First Reformed Church of the United Church of Christ
First Reformed Church of the United Church of Christ
First Reformed Church of the United Church of Christ
We are a group of dedicated individuals passionate about serving the Lord.
Pastor Ben Motz
We welcome Pastor Ben Motz, our new Designated-Term Pastor! We are excited that he is joining our church family starting in January, 2025!
Karen Heck, Office Manager
Karen became our proficient office manager in 2008. She is the master of all things administrative, keeping everyone informed and things running smoothly.
The policy-making body of the church is the 12 elected members of Consistory. They support and carry out the will of the congregation - our church!
Ann Marie Henne
Consistory President
Ann Marie is our Consistory President and a long time member of our church. As a very active member, she can be found at most committee meetings and at our childrens Sunday School sessions. We sincerely thank Ann Marie for her dedication to our church.
Ana O'Reilly
Choir Director
Ana joined us in April, 2023. She started as the Organist at church and through her love of music, recently also became the Choir Director. We are so excited to have her!
Ana O'Reilly
Ana joined us on April, 2023 as our church Organist! She continues to share her beautiful gift of music every time we see her and has been an added blessing to our music world at First Reformed United Church of Christ!
Stan Henne
Property Committee
Stan is a life-long member of "First Church". As chair of the Property Committee, Stan makes sure our beautiful church, built in 1898, is kept in good condition and standing strong.
Sharon Strausser
As our dedicated Sexton, Sharon is on the frontlines of keeping the church in good repair and ready for anything. When the church is warm and inviting in time for a function, when the restrooms and floors are spotless, it's because Shari was there to make it so.
A friendly welcome to all
We extend a friendly welcome to every worshiper! It's a geniune joy to gather in the Lord's house and share in the praise of the living and loving God.
We want you to come just as you are. When you walk through our doors, you may see people in dresses or suits and ties, but you will also see people in jeans and t-shirts. All that matters to us is that you decided to worship with us today!
We want everyone to feel comfortable and at home in our church. As part of that effort, we have assistive listening devices available at our Third Street entrance. Ramp access to the church is just off the parking lot and handicap-access restrooms are available next to the Auditorium. We also offer activity packets for children ages 3 to 8 who come to worship with us. (Just ask an usher for one.)
We are united through Christ
We believe in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
God is the creator of the universe and giver of all that is good. God is the savior—known boldly and intimately in Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection—who shows us how to live and love. God is the Spirit who enables us to make a difference in our world and in the lives of others. We believe that grace is the love, honesty, and compassion that God gives and shows us in Jesus. It’s how Jesus saves us, heals us, sets us free, and increases our capacity for love. We believe that we need each other. Whether single, married/partnered, divorced or widowed, it’s a lot easier to follow God with friends than it is by ourselves.
We are here for each other and for you
Preach the Holy Bible
We are honored and happy to provide the word of God to anyone who wishes to hear it.
Administer the Sacraments
We share in the joy of the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion.
Promote Fellowship
Through education and the teachings of Christ, we encouarge a place of community and camaraderie.